Today for Reading we had to do key for inference. I read text 3 and it was about a Mum and daughter who broke down in the middle of nowhere then they saw a tow truck that came and helping them. We had to answer questions about the text and do a challenge. This challenge was to create a DLO about things you need in your car in case something happens or emergency. In my DLO I have included a pressure pump, weather radio, torch light, jumper cables, flare, thermal blanket to keep them warm, triangular bandage, Distilled water for wounds, water for hydration, Money, a extra tyre and lastly a granola bar to have extra protein.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Why is it so important to keep oral story telling alive?
Keeping Maori storytelling alive is important because it helps people remember their culture’s history. When each generation hears stories about it, it keeps them captivated.
Sanujan, San Kyaw and I created this 25 word summary using 6 words of our own choice. We listened to facts and reasons of why we should keep oral story telling alive and used the facts collaboratively to create this. We think story telling is important because it keeps children captivated when they hear about it.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Maui and the sun
Lyric and I created this comic strip to practise using dialogue and to show rather than tell. To create this come strip we used Storyboard that to tell the myth "Maui and the sun ". Lyric and I found this hard because we had to use different materials to create a rope and a wall.
Comic Strip,
Maui and sun,
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Day 7 - Activity 2
Activity 2: After you have finished up in Taupo, it is time to hop back in the car and head for Rotorua – a town where will have the chance for some much needed rest and relaxation. In fact, you will visit the Tarawera Bush Pool – a geothermal hot pool that is located in the middle of a forest. The warm water in the pool comes from underneath the ground. After a few hours in the pool you feel really relaxed.
On your blog, post a picture of yourself doing something relaxing. I find reading really relaxing. Here is a picture of me reading one of my favourite books!
In this photo I'm relaxed reading a book that I got from the library.
Activity 2,
Day 7,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 7 - Activity 1
Activity 1: While in Taupo, you go for a walk around the lake and you notice pieces of rubbish floating in the water. You also notice that there is rubbish on the footpath. As you know, it is really important to put rubbish in the bin and keep New Zealand clean and beautiful for generations to come.
With that in mind, it is time think about what you can do to keep New Zealand beautiful. Use your imagination and come up with three things that you could do to make your neighbourhood more beautiful. Post your list on your blog ☺
With that in mind, it is time think about what you can do to keep New Zealand beautiful. Use your imagination and come up with three things that you could do to make your neighbourhood more beautiful. Post your list on your blog ☺
- Put up signs saying No Littering
- Put more Bins around the neighbourhood
- Pick up Rubbish when you got time
Activity 1,
Day 7,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 6 - Bonus 8 points
Read about the Matariki festival at Te Papa. There are so many different things to see and do at the festival this year. On your blog, tell us about three of the events. You can choose any three events that you wish.
Bonus Activity: As part of the Matariki festival, there is a two day Kapa Haka competition. The haka is a traditional war dance that Maori performed before going into battle. The haka is now performed by children/adults in the community and by professional sporting teams, including our national rugby team, the ‘All Blacks.’ The All Blacks have performed various haka over the years. Watch the following three haka videos (1 – 3) and, on your blog, list the haka videos in order from best (#1) to worst (#3). There are no right or wrong answers ☺
Bonus Activity,
Day 6,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 6 - Activity 2
Activity 2: After visiting Shag Point, you hop back in the van and drive all the way up the east coast of the south island until you reach the town of Picton. You get out of the van and onto the Interislander ferry. It travels back across the Cook Strait to Wellington. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and every winter the city hosts a huge Matariki festival to celebrate the Maori New Year. This year part of the festival is being held at Te Papa, a big museum in Wellington.
Read about the Matariki festival at Te Papa. There are so many different things to see and do at the festival this year. On your blog, tell us about three of the events. You can choose any three events that you wish.- On the last day of the Matariki festival (July 8 Today) you could watch the fireworks show
- Matariki light trail behind Te Oro
- Variety's of traditional dances on stages
Activity 2,
Day 6,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 6 - Activity 1
Activity 1: Let’s imagine that you were on the first waka to arrive at Shag Point. You had never been to New Zealand before and you had no idea what to expect. Write a poem describing how you would have felt when you arrived in New Zealand. Would you have been excited or scared? I would have felt pretty nervous, I reckon..
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
sitting on the waka shaking in excitement, the waka sailed closer then I got frighten, I saw a island appear, I knew we were here, we all chanted hooray today was the day
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tīhei mauri ora!
Cease the winds from the west
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air.
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air.
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.
Activity 1,
Day 6,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 5 - Bonus 10 points
Bonus Activity: You and your tour group have enjoyed your day in the mountains but you’re ready for a change of scenery. You ask Curious Kiwi to take you to Central Otago, a region of the south island with lots of rolling hills and flat, brown grasslands. While in Central Otago, you decide to join the Otago Central Rail Trail – a 150 km long cycle trail. Curious Kiwi and I (Rachel) cycled the Rail Trail in April and we loved it!
On your blog, tell us whether you would like to cycle the Otago Rail Trail one day. Does it sound like fun? Why or why not?
Bonus Activity,
Day 5,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 5 - Activity 2
Activity 2: After the adventure at The Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve, you are pretty happy to get back into the shuttle van and continue with your road trip. Over the next few hours you travel up and over the Southern Alps, arriving in the city of Christchurch to eat lunch. You have a delicious meal at a café downtown and then hop back into the van to travel to Twizel, a small town at the base of Aoraki-Mt Cook. Mt Cook is the largest mountain in New Zealand. It is also the mountain where Sir Edmund Hillary trained for his climb up Mt Everest – the tallest mountain in the world. Sir Edmund Hillary is very famous because he was the first person to ever reach the top of Mt Everest!

This is my DLO task that I made about a famous New Zealander. I chose to pick Peter Jackson
because I have watched nearly all his movies and is a inspirational director.
This is my DLO task that I made about a famous New Zealander. I chose to pick Peter Jackson
because I have watched nearly all his movies and is a inspirational director.
Activity 2,
Day 5,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 5 - Activity 1
Activity 1: After a few hours in the car, you, your group and Curious Kiwi arrive at your first stop – The Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve. It is a beautiful, regional park located at the base of the Southern Alps. You and your group get out of the van and follow Curious Kiwi. He is going to lead you on a short walk through the park. As you start walking, you notice a really cool looking tree on the side of the trail and you stop to take a closer look. When you turn back, the group (and Curious Kiwi) is nowhere to be found. Eek! You are all alone in the middle of a strange forest.
For this activity write a short story (8-10 sentences) about what might happen next. Please be sure to include lots of details about what you might be feeling, seeing and doing after you realise that you are all alone in the forest...
I follow curious kiwi into the forest then when I stop to take a look at a tree beside the trail I turn back to see that I turned the wrong way and they didn't notice. I started to panic I look around the said to my self maybe I will find them, but when I looked all I saw was trees and grass. Then my adrenaline started to rush I thought to my self will a ever find them?. Then I had a idea I thought maybe If I follow this trail maybe it might lead to them so I followed and followed and followed then I realized I have seen this tree 10 times and notices I was going around in circles with the same trail then that was when I was even more terrified the sun was going down and the sky became darker and my hope became smaller. I shouted "curious kiwi!" then all I heard was the night sky then I said it once more "curious kiwi!" no reply. Then I went to the nearest Mountain then I saw my van I made my way there and was pretty excited to see curious kiwi.
Activity 1,
Day 5,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 4 - Bonus 10 points
Bonus Activity: Hector’s dolphins are a very special native animal found only in New Zealand. They are the smallest dolphin in the world measuring 1.5 metres long and they are quite rare. Sadly, many Hector’s dolphins are killed every year when they get caught in large fishing nets and can’t escape. Some people have argued that fishermen shouldn’t be allowed to fish in Farewell Spit in order to protect the dolphins living there. What do you think? On your blog, tell us whether you think that fishing in Farewell Spit should be banned (stopped).
Yes, I think fishing in farewell spit should be banned because hector is part of our land and culture and to kill them with fish nets is a horrible death. Fisher mans should well be banned from farewell spit and to never fish or net there ever again for the hectors safety. I want to be able to tell other people that the smallest dolphin (The Hector) is well being looked after and still healthy and safe.
Bonus Activity,
Day 4,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 4 - Activity 2
Activity 2: After a morning of learning about beached whales in Golden Bay, you and your group are driven to a nearby town, Nelson, to watch a special movie called ‘Whale rider.’ It is a famous movie about a young girl who was born and raised in New Zealand. Watch the following movie trailers for Whale Rider: Whale Rider trailer #1 and Whale Rider Trailer #2 and then write a summary of the movie on your blog. What is it about? Be sure to also give the movie a rating out of 5 based on the trailer [1 = bad movie, 2 = okay movie, 3 = pretty good, 4 = good movie, 5 = excellent movie].
When ‘Whale Rider’ finishes, you and your tour group enjoy a delicious meal in downtown Nelson before heading back to your hotel. You need to go to bed early because you have to get up at 4:30 a.m. the next morning to travel back to Farewell Spit to see a group (pod) of Hector’s Dolphins. It is going to be an early morning!
When ‘Whale Rider’ finishes, you and your tour group enjoy a delicious meal in downtown Nelson before heading back to your hotel. You need to go to bed early because you have to get up at 4:30 a.m. the next morning to travel back to Farewell Spit to see a group (pod) of Hector’s Dolphins. It is going to be an early morning!
I have watched this trailer and thought this was a emotional and great movie it was a traditional and cultural movie that I enjoyed watching. In this movie I could see that when her brother was born and was suppose to be the next chief but unfortunately the baby died. I have rated this movie a 2 because I thought this movie wasn't my type and it was okay.
Activty 2,
Day 4,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 4 - Activity 1
Activity 1: When you arrive in the south island, Curious Kiwi rents a shuttle van and drives your group from Picton (the town where the ferry dropped you off) to a beautiful beach on the opposite side of the island. The beach area is called Golden Bay and, at one end of the bay, is a stunning area called Farewell Spit.
Farewell Spit has been in the news recently as a number of whales accidentally swam into the spit and became stuck on the beach. They were unable to swim back to the ocean because the water was too shallow. Many local people tried to save the ‘beached’ whales. Please follow this Farewell Spit link to learn more about what happened. On your blog, describe what the local people did to try and save the beached whales.
Farewell Spit has been in the news recently as a number of whales accidentally swam into the spit and became stuck on the beach. They were unable to swim back to the ocean because the water was too shallow. Many local people tried to save the ‘beached’ whales. Please follow this Farewell Spit link to learn more about what happened. On your blog, describe what the local people did to try and save the beached whales.
- Kept the beached animals wet
- Cover the whales with wet towels
- Keep their blow wholes clear
- Keep away from their tales
- Put water in chill bins and water bottles for the whales

Activity 1,
Day 4,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 3- Activity 2
Activity 2: After your great visit to the Otorohanga bird house it is time to hop back onto the bus and head towards the Hawke’s Bay – your resting place for the evening. Hawke’s Bay is a beautiful region of New Zealand. It is known for its wineries and gorgeous scenery. When you arrive in Napier, the largest city in the region, you go for a walk through Waitangi Regional Park and notice that many of the leaves on the native trees have been damaged. Curious Kiwi tells you that they were damaged by possums, non-native predators, from Australia. People in New Zealand are working hard to trap and kill these predators. Their goal is to remove all of the possums (and other predators) by 2050. Go to the ‘Predator Free 2050 website’ to read more about their work.
I think possums are not good because they eat 21,00 leaves per night. That means they are dangers for the environments!. They eat precious animals to New Zealand like the native New Zealand bird the Kiwi, But now only that they eat endangered animals in New Zealand like baby chicks of a Kokako.
Activity 2,
Day 3,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 3 - Activity 1
Activity 1: Curious Kiwi, a native New Zealand bird, is your tour guide for today. He is going to take you to visit the Otorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park where many of his aunties and uncles currently live. The bird park is a five hour drive from Dargaville so you hit the road right after breakfast and arrive in Otorohanga at lunch time. As you walk through the birdhouse you learn about the work being done to conserve and protect the native birds of New Zealand. You decide to help out by ‘adopting’ a native animal. Visit the ‘Adopt a Critter page’ on the Otorohanga bird house website to choose one animal to adopt. On your blog, tell us the name of the animal that you chose and a little bit about them. What kind of animal are they? What do they eat? Where do they normally live? You can use Google to help you with your research.
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Reptilia
Family: Sphenodontidae
Appearance: Greenish, brown and grey
Habitat: Offshore islands of New Zealand
Diet: Lizards, frogs and sea birds
Tuatara is a lizard-like reptile that belongs to the group of beak-headed reptiles. All members of this group, except two species of Tuatara, went extinct 60 millions years ago.
Activity 1,
Day 3,
Winter Learning Journey
Friday, 7 July 2017
Day 2 - Bonus Activity 10 points
Bonus Activity: When you finish your interview with Laura, you decide to keep on interviewing people. For this activity, your task is to conduct a real interview with an actual member of your family. Please ask them to think about their five (5) favourite things to do in the out-of-doors. They can be things that they enjoy doing on land or in the water. Post the list of outdoor activities on your blog.
I asked my mum what is her favourite activitie to do outdoors?
She said
I asked my mum what is her favourite activitie to do outdoors?
She said
- Gardening
- Exercising
- Shopping
- Manicure
- Driving
Bonus Activity,
Day 2,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 2 - Activity 2
Activity 2: As an island nation, New Zealand is completely surrounded by water. It is the perfect place for people who like to swim or to sail! While in Dargaville, recovering from your busy day of sightseeing, you notice a number sailboats going by. One of the boats is manned by a young German girl named Laura Dekker. At the age of fourteen she sailed around the world the entire world by herself. You can watch a short video clip about her adventures here: Laura Dekker sailing trip.
Let’s imagine that you had the chance to interview Laura while in Dargaville. On your blog post five questions that you would ask her.
- What did you eat?
- Why did you pick to sail by yourself?
- Did you ever regret it?
- At some point did you miss your family?
- Why did you want to do this journey?
Activity 2,
Day 2,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 2 - Activity 1
Activity 1: After a very busy day of sightseeing you and your group drive from Tane Mahuta to your hotel in Dargaville. When you arrive you decide to sit down and record your thoughts in your travel diary
.Before you start writing, take a minute to read more about Rangitoto island, Karekare beach and Tane Mahuta. On your blog, tell us which of the three places you most enjoyed visiting and why.
Rangitoto Island is my favourite place out of these 3 choices because Rangitoto has a enriched history and emerged from the sea 600 years ago. But the big reason why I chose Rangitoto because it is 259 meters above sea level so I want to experience the phenomenal view.
Activity 1,
Day 2,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 1 - Bonus Activity 8 points
Bonus Activity: Now it’s time to start your tour! Curious Kiwi decides to start by taking you on a short tour through downtown Auckland. You stop at the Sky Tower, the tallest building in all of New Zealand. When you look up, you see a huge New Zealand flag on the top of the tower. This flag was created back in 1902. That makes the New Zealand flag 115 years old!
Last year, the Prime Minister of New Zealand suggested that we should replace the flag with a new, updated design. He invited everyone in New Zealand to come up with their own flag design and submit it.
For this activity, it is your turn to design a new flag. Use any drawing programme that you wish. I would recommend the Flag Designer website. It allows you to create a flag in three easy steps. When you are done, take a screenshot of your flag and post it on your blog.
This is my flag that I have made the app flag designer. I chose to create this flag because the symbol almost looks like a poppie so that this flag remembers the brave women and men that thought in World War I.
8 points,
Bonus Activity,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 1 - Activity 2
Activity 2: Your tour of New Zealand is going to start right here in Auckland. Watch the Tourist video for Auckland to learn about the awesome things that you can see and do in the city. Once you’ve finished, choose your favourite five activities from the video and list them on your blog.
- In Auckland you can explore the sea coast line
- Visit Auckland's biggest landmark "Rangitoto" Fun Facts: you can see Rangitoto from anywhere in Auckland city
- In Auckland you can see the famous ferry building which was built in 1912
- Visit the native rain forest of the Waitakere rangers and enjoy a walk with the view of the unique nature
- Nearby from the Waitakere rangers is the spectacular Piha beach famous for experience surfers with rough waves
Activity 2,
Day 1,
Winter Learning Journey
Day 1 - Activity 1
Activity 1: Go to the Tourism New Zealand website and click on the ‘Facts - New Zealand People’ tab. Read about the people of New Zealand and then choose three interesting facts to post on your blog. The facts must be written in your own words. Do not simply copy and paste the facts from the website☺.
- To become a New Zealand citizen, you must swear an oath of loyalty to Queen Elizabeth.
- New Zealand is one of the world’s least populated countries with over 4 million populations.
- The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland although its capital city is Wellington.
Activity 1,
Day 1,
Winter Learning Journey
Duffy Books
Yesterday we collected our Duffy books from the library. In this photo we took a picture of us holding our books. I can see that I chose a goosebumps good.
Duffy Books,
Term 2 Reflection
This term was awesome there were a lot of fun activities we did and fun sports, but my highlight of term 2 was blackout day. 2 weeks ago on blackout day we got to wear all blacks gear or black clothes to support all blacks, but if you were a lions supporter like Jeremiah you could wear red for the lions tour. This was my highlight of the term because I enjoyed making the all blacks word on the grass. I also enjoyed this activity because the haka looked strong and powerful.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
5 tips to deal with haters and trolls
This is my helpful message of 5 tips to deal with haters and trolls. I found this helpful because 4400 kids over 10-24 have suicidal deaths because of cyber bullying. These 5 tips would stop yourself from being bullied because it has all the advice to make them stop.
Tamaki Wrap
Today Sylis and I created a e maze about the Tamaki Wrap in the hall. This e maze explains what activities we did and what we learnt that was new. I found shocking that USA transport rubbish to China in a ship where they cherry pick old and smelly things.
Tamaki Wrap
Monday, 3 July 2017
Legend of the seven sisters
This is my DLO about the Legend of the seven sisters. In this DLO a learnt a story about Matariki that I didn't know before. It talked abut why do they visit every year. I found this interesting because I also learnt some new Maori words.
Legend of the seven sisters,
Winter Solsice
Lohri is a Indian winter solstice festival they celebrate every year. For India they mostly have 1 specific date they celebrate which is January the 13th.
Winter Solistice
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