I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Monday, 17 September 2018
Writing - Why people build bridges explanation
For the past week we have been learning about structures. Our task was to write a explanation about why people build bridges and reasons why bridges are used. In my explanation I have explained why people build bridges, The materials used when building bridges and why the first bridge was constructed. I found this take very helpful because I learnt that before bridges people used canoe's and ferry's to get across rivers.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Kiwi Can Reflection - Week 8
For the past week at Kiwi Can we have been learning how to use perseverance in normal life situations. Perseverance means trying your best, not giving up and trying not to get frustrated. During our activities we used this quality by playing the game even when some of us didn't want to. When we got tagged or were in the opposing team we didn't get frustrated or give up, But we did continue with the game had a fun time. We learnt how to persevere in activities and have learnt what the quality meant to us.
Kiwi Can,
Week 8
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Maths - Exponents
Today in our maths session our new topic was about exponents. Our challenge was to answer questions about exponents from a google slide and pick three of them that you want to make a google presentation about. In our google presentation we explained why that was our answer and why we put the numbers there. Mataio and I have enjoyed learning about exponents and learnt that squared refers to 2 when its on top of the big number.
Google Presentation,
Monday, 10 September 2018
Writing - Colons illustration
For the past week we have been learning about colons and how to use them in a sentence. To build our knowledge on colons we watched a video and completed a challenge where we had to fill in the colons where we thought it would fit. I found that challenge a bit difficult, but received help from my friends. After that activity we had to pick one of the sentences and illustrate it explaining why the colon is placed there. I found this task very helpful and know that I have expanded by knowledge about colons.
5 senses,
Friday, 7 September 2018
Tongan Language Week - Assembly
Today we had a special assembly because it was Tongan language week. For assembly Viva and I wore the traditional Tongan clothing because we were presenting this week. We presented because we had to be able to translate English into Tongan so that we can include our language in the script. Viva and I had fun including our culture into this assembly and are looking forward to the MMT rugby games this October.
Tongan Language Week
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Kiwi Kapers - Orchestra
Today LS2 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the Kiwi Kapers Orchestra at the Auckland Town Hall. After settling into our seats we listened to 3 pieces of music. Not only did we listen to them perform we also learnt about the different sections of instruments. The sections were the: brass, woodwind, string, keyboard and percussion. The part that stood out of this experience was when the talented man with the long beard known as an opera singer made a unique sound with his voice. Lastly the students from St Kent's performed a dance along with the instruments being played telling story using the movements of their body. We all had an amazing time and are very grateful for the opportunity we received.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Inquiry - VR Research
Today we had a special day because we got to use the VR systems to learn more about bridges. Yvonne and the research team came from the Augmented human lab at Auckland University to run some tests and use the VR systems to help us with our learning in the future. There were a majority of use so we got split into 2 different groups and got to do 2 different activities. The 2 different activities was using the VR cardboard and the magic window. The magic window was a fun activity and was something like a optical illusion. You are suppose to see a hidden image that's impossible to see with your eyes, but is possible through these special glasses. We were lucky enough to receive this opportunity and had an amazing time.
VR Research
Monday, 3 September 2018
Writing - Sensory Verbs
Today for writing we completed a quick activity learning to use sensory verbs. This activity gave us a sentence and blanked a word out. We had to find the right sensory verb and fill in the blanks. On my first try my results were 10/11 because I went too fast and picked a verb that didn't make any sense. From this activity I have learnt to take my time and read each question carefully.
Sensory Verbs,
Reading - Alfie Bloom and the Talisman Thief

During reading for the past week we have read the books we chose from the library and been doing fun activities to explain what our book is about. My story is about a boy named Alfie Bloom who lives in a big castle and has a flying bear that no one knows about To clear his mind he usually goes on a ride to the clouds and comes back, But one night he came back to the castle while his butler was being kidnapped. Now Alfie Bloom and his friends have to find his butler before he gets killed. So far I am writing a descriptive paragraph about Alfie by using evidence from the text to find out what kind of person he is.
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