For this activity I did a pepeha. A pepeha is used to introduce yourself and talk about family or ancestry. In my pepeha I have talked about , What mountain I affiliate with , What river/lake/sea I affiliate with, My Mum & Dads name , Where I come from and my name. I found this activity interesting because I enjoyed trying to say the answers in Maori.
Ko Mount Wellington te Maunga
The Mountain I affiliate with is Mount Wellington
Ko Tamaki te awa/roto/moana
The river I affiliate with is the Tamaki River.
No Tamaki Makaurau ahau
I am from Auckland
Ko Fusi raua ko Amanaki oku matua
My parents are Fusi and Amanaki.
Ko Freeman toku ingoa
My name is Freeman.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Monday, 25 December 2017
Week 1 - Day 2 - Bonus Activity Special Meals
For my bonus activity I had to find my favourite meal and find the recipe. My favourite food is butter chicken but bought from the shop. This is my favourite food because I love eating chicken and rice together. I have found a recipe of how to make easy butter chicken.
Step 1 : Place yoghurt, garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander, garam masala and chilli powder in a glass or ceramic dish. Add chicken. Stir to coat. Cover. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
Step 2 : Heat oil and butter in a heavy-based saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 4 minutes or until softened. Add chicken mixture to pan. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until chicken just starts to change colour. Add tomato puree and stock. Cover. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until chicken is tender and mixture has thickened slightly.
Step 3: Stir in cream. Simmer for a further 5 minutes or until heated through. Serve with steamed rice and coriander leaves.
Bonus Activity,
Day 2,
Summer Learning Journey,
Week 1
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Week 1 - Day 2 - Activity 2 The rules of engagement
For this activity I had to draw a picture of my dream job. My dream job is to become a New Zealand Police officer. To work as an police officer I would have to have a lot of skills including critical thinking and adaptability. In the future I hope to get a job like this to help the community and help them from danger.
Activity 2,
Day 2,
Summer Learning Journey,
Week 1
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Week 1 - Day 2 - Activity 1 A house or a home
Today for my first activity on Day 2 I had to compare a Maori Pa to my house. I have decided to create a ven diagram to show my thinking and give you a clear picture. There are some interesting differences and similarities. Today I have learnt that a Maori Pa is made out of timber, fern,rushes and bark. I have enjoyed this activity cause I learnt new Maori words for the different rooms.
Activity 1,
Day 2,
House or home,
Summer Learning Journey,
Ven Diagram
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Week 1 - Day 1 - Bonus Actitivity Waka ama
For this activity I have to write why or why not would you do this activity.
I would love to do this activity because it looks like a good exercise. I love trying new things and playing new sports in my spare time. If i did a waka ama race I would meet new friends and learn to use team work and communication to win. This activity looks really fun but difficult at the same time. I wouldn't enter a real race unless I get a life jacket because Unlucky for me if the waka tips over I cant swim.
I would love to do this activity because it looks like a good exercise. I love trying new things and playing new sports in my spare time. If i did a waka ama race I would meet new friends and learn to use team work and communication to win. This activity looks really fun but difficult at the same time. I wouldn't enter a real race unless I get a life jacket because Unlucky for me if the waka tips over I cant swim.
Bonus Activity,
Day 1,
Summer Learning Journey
Week 1 - Day 1 - Activity 2 Setting Sail
Hi Ofa, Our journey to New Zealand is long but beautiful. The ocean and mountains are attractive and beautiful. I am nervous to be the first settlers in New Zealand but excited to explore the island. In a distance I can see the beautiful shores of New Zealand. I am amazed with the amount of nature and animals on this island. When I get on the island I'm going to spend my time swimming in the spectacular waters.
Yours Sincerely, Freeman
For this activity I had to describe how I am feeling to be the first settlers in New Zealand. I described the beautiful landscape of New Zealand and used powerful words to describe the beautiful nature.
Yours Sincerely, Freeman

For this activity I had to describe how I am feeling to be the first settlers in New Zealand. I described the beautiful landscape of New Zealand and used powerful words to describe the beautiful nature.
Activity 2,
Day 1,
Summer Learning Journey
Week 1 - Day 1 - Activity 1 Arriving in New Zealand
For this activity I have read a story about Maui and the giant fish. This story is about Maui pulling up a gigantic fish know as the north island of Aotearoa. The south island of Aotearoa is the canoe that he used to pull up the north island. Maui had also brought fire to the world and slowed the sun from making our days faster. I found this story interesting because I didn't know the north island was a fish and the south island was the canoe he used. 
- Maui had used a Jaw Bone as a hook from his ancestor Murirangawhenua
- He used his blood from his nose as bait to catch the giant fish
- The North Island of New Zealand is a fish
Activity 1,
Day 1,
Summer Learning Journey
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
NEXT Foundation - Summer Learning Journey
Today after morning tea we had a special assembly in the hall, visitors from The NEXT Foundation and WFRC. The visitors were here to talk about the Summer Learning Journey and the film they made about Panmure Bridge School (starring Daniel). There were other students from LS2 that were also featured in the movie. After the special assembly we had a special lunch that was provided by The NEXT Foundation. We had a enjoyable day and fun time today and are looking forward to completing the Summer Learning Journey activities during the summer holidays.
Next Foundation,
Summer Learning Journey
Christmas in Canada
To celebrate Christmas we got into groups of four and worked collaboratively to find out about Christmas in different countries all around the world. My group worked on Canada and we found a lot of interesting things about Canada and what they do differently from New Zealand. In Canadian another name for Santa is Joulupikki or Father frost. To show our learning we recorded our google drawing using screencastify. I worked on this DLO with Shannon, Joshua and Magenta.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Panmure Bridge School - leadership
Yesterday afternoon San Kyaw, Joushua V, Freeman and I took photos on how we can show leadership next year. We chose two things that we can do next year to show that we are leaders. The two things we chose were Making sure that people are ok and not hurt, making sure everyone knows what to do. This was a great opportunity to co-operate with the people in my class. This is what we think teamwork look's like in Panmure Bridge School.
Panmure Bridge School,
Monday, 4 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey
On Friday at assembly Hazel from Auckland University came to talk about the Summer Learning Journey. This activity is going to start during the summer holidays. During the summer holidays we have to participate in this activity by blogging everyday. This year my goal is to comment and blog the most. After the summer holidays they will be awarding prizes to the people who have tried their hardest and who have been doing the most blogposts and comments.
Summer Learning Journey
Tech - Last Session
On Friday we went to the last session of art. During our last session had to finish my colors on my prints. I managed to do 3 colors but didn't get to finish it. For the past weeks for art I have enjoyed the process making the design. After art we had another session of tech, the 3 subjects were Robotics, Social Studies and P.E. I was in Social Studies with Miss Apelu. The first game we played was called Persued in this game we had to find out where we were, to help us we could use google maps. Joshua and I worked together and managed to finish 2nd behind Daniel and Jay don. Our prizes were a keychain and cars.
Social Studies,
Tamaki College
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