I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Tech Reflection
Today was our last tech session for the year. Today we were trying to finish our so that we can take it home for the year and show it to our family. Unfortunately I did not finish my project, but happy with the outcome of my design. We worked hard this year during tech and had a fun year with Tamaki College. Coming to the end of the year the year 8's is going to leave to their secondary school sadly meaning they will not be able to come tech next year. New year and new journey for the other students who are going to continue the Panmure Bridge tradition and going to tech every Fridays. Luckily for Tamaki college they will receive some students from our school. We had fun this year and will have even more fun going on to our secondary school.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Athletics Day
Today was athletics day, We were spilt into different coloured teams and played activities involving us being active. I was in team green. The first station we started at was called Frisbee. The aim of the game was to throw the Frisbee's into the lacrosse net. We started with 5 minutes to throw as much Frisbee's as we can into the net to win the game. Not 2 minutes into the game my team already threw all of the Frisbee's into the net meaning that our team gained the most points to win the game. We had fun playing the 9 other activities including having a rest and listening to music. My favourite was the sponge relay. The aim of the activity was to go through the obstacles with your sponge, absorb as much liquid into the sponge and go back through the obstacles to squeeze as much water into your team bucket as possible. Lastly we had the sprint finals for the people who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd a few weeks ago. We would like to thank Mr Ogalvie for organising this fun event and picking the right day for this event to be held in this fantastic weather.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Reading - Read Theory Results
Today for Reading we looked back at our results on read theory. We looked at our past results and compared it to other results month by month. We all created a bar graph to show and tell other people our results and the difference there is from when we started and now. Last year February I started on Grade 3 which was really easy. Now on November 2018 I am on grade 8 which means that I have expanded my knowledge by 5 grades.
Read theory,
Friday, 16 November 2018
Reading - Wolves
Today the teacher read to us a book written and illustrated by Emily Gravett. The book was about Wolves and the life that they live. After the teach read the book to us we had to write what we think about wolves then later research it to see if any of our answer were true. We found out that two of our answers were correct which was that wolves eat humans and that they hunt in packs. We had fun learning about Wolves and learnt that they are the largest members of the dog family.
Emily Gravett,
Reading - MeerKats
Today the teacher read to us a book written and illustrated by Emily Gravett. The book was about MeerKats and the life that they live. By listening to the story we took information from there and made a blog post about MeerKats. We have learnt a lot about MeerKats including where they live and what they like to eat. They like to eat snakes and eggs, but they prefer scorpions because their nice and crunchy. They are cute and friendly animals that almost nobody know about. The next blog post is going to be about wolves and we're going to do the same thing that we did with this blog post, listening to the story and creating a blog post about them.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Armistice - Commemoration
Armistice Day,
Defence Force,
World War I
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Armistice Collage
Today we remembered the people who died in world war 1 and created a collage about when world war 1 ended. These photos show people and the soldiers celebrating when the war ended. We added photos of the newspapers that came out when the war ended. We learnt that 135 countries participated in the world war and over 500,000 unknown soldiers fell.
World War 1
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Reading - Battle of the Somme
For reading we were learning about the Battle of the Somme that occurred on July 1st 1916. We first read a text explaining what happened during the war and a few facts about it. We read the text and answered the questions. We answered the questions about the war and got to write our own opinion about what we thought about the war. We have learnt that war shrines were like memorials made to remember the fallen soldiers.
Battle of the Somme,
Friday, 26 October 2018
Tech - Art
Today at tech we are transferring our designs onto our piece of wood. I have finished that step and are now up to colouring my finish design. After colouring my design the next step is to carve the piece of wood and use wet paint to finish our design. Next week I will be finish colouring my piece of art and will be up to painting it which I am really excited about.
Tamaki College,
Thursday, 25 October 2018
The Highway Man
For reading we read a famous poem called Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. Back in the day a Highwayman was basically a burglar. We read this poem because if we were to learn this in college we would have full understanding about the poem. After reading the poem with the class and discussing what each verse meant Ofa, Sankyaw and I created a google drawing summarising the poem to make it easier for other people. We had fun learning about this poem and have learnt that back in the day the police were the kings soldiers.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Term 4 - Tech Reflection
Today we had our first tech session for term 4. We were onto moving our drawing from our papers onto a piece of wood. After putting your design onto the piece of wood we had to scrape the blank spacing with a chizzle. I have finish drawing my design and up to putting it onto a piece of wood. Our design had to relate to our culture so I decided to draw the Tongan flag and some simple Tongan patterns. Next week I'm excited to finish my wood piece and move onto using the chisel
Mrs Telefoni,
Tamaki College,
Monday, 17 September 2018
Writing - Why people build bridges explanation
For the past week we have been learning about structures. Our task was to write a explanation about why people build bridges and reasons why bridges are used. In my explanation I have explained why people build bridges, The materials used when building bridges and why the first bridge was constructed. I found this take very helpful because I learnt that before bridges people used canoe's and ferry's to get across rivers.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Kiwi Can Reflection - Week 8
For the past week at Kiwi Can we have been learning how to use perseverance in normal life situations. Perseverance means trying your best, not giving up and trying not to get frustrated. During our activities we used this quality by playing the game even when some of us didn't want to. When we got tagged or were in the opposing team we didn't get frustrated or give up, But we did continue with the game had a fun time. We learnt how to persevere in activities and have learnt what the quality meant to us.
Kiwi Can,
Week 8
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Maths - Exponents
Today in our maths session our new topic was about exponents. Our challenge was to answer questions about exponents from a google slide and pick three of them that you want to make a google presentation about. In our google presentation we explained why that was our answer and why we put the numbers there. Mataio and I have enjoyed learning about exponents and learnt that squared refers to 2 when its on top of the big number.
Google Presentation,
Monday, 10 September 2018
Writing - Colons illustration
For the past week we have been learning about colons and how to use them in a sentence. To build our knowledge on colons we watched a video and completed a challenge where we had to fill in the colons where we thought it would fit. I found that challenge a bit difficult, but received help from my friends. After that activity we had to pick one of the sentences and illustrate it explaining why the colon is placed there. I found this task very helpful and know that I have expanded by knowledge about colons.
5 senses,
Friday, 7 September 2018
Tongan Language Week - Assembly
Today we had a special assembly because it was Tongan language week. For assembly Viva and I wore the traditional Tongan clothing because we were presenting this week. We presented because we had to be able to translate English into Tongan so that we can include our language in the script. Viva and I had fun including our culture into this assembly and are looking forward to the MMT rugby games this October.
Tongan Language Week
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Kiwi Kapers - Orchestra
Today LS2 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the Kiwi Kapers Orchestra at the Auckland Town Hall. After settling into our seats we listened to 3 pieces of music. Not only did we listen to them perform we also learnt about the different sections of instruments. The sections were the: brass, woodwind, string, keyboard and percussion. The part that stood out of this experience was when the talented man with the long beard known as an opera singer made a unique sound with his voice. Lastly the students from St Kent's performed a dance along with the instruments being played telling story using the movements of their body. We all had an amazing time and are very grateful for the opportunity we received.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Inquiry - VR Research
Today we had a special day because we got to use the VR systems to learn more about bridges. Yvonne and the research team came from the Augmented human lab at Auckland University to run some tests and use the VR systems to help us with our learning in the future. There were a majority of use so we got split into 2 different groups and got to do 2 different activities. The 2 different activities was using the VR cardboard and the magic window. The magic window was a fun activity and was something like a optical illusion. You are suppose to see a hidden image that's impossible to see with your eyes, but is possible through these special glasses. We were lucky enough to receive this opportunity and had an amazing time.
VR Research
Monday, 3 September 2018
Writing - Sensory Verbs
Today for writing we completed a quick activity learning to use sensory verbs. This activity gave us a sentence and blanked a word out. We had to find the right sensory verb and fill in the blanks. On my first try my results were 10/11 because I went too fast and picked a verb that didn't make any sense. From this activity I have learnt to take my time and read each question carefully.
Sensory Verbs,
Reading - Alfie Bloom and the Talisman Thief

During reading for the past week we have read the books we chose from the library and been doing fun activities to explain what our book is about. My story is about a boy named Alfie Bloom who lives in a big castle and has a flying bear that no one knows about To clear his mind he usually goes on a ride to the clouds and comes back, But one night he came back to the castle while his butler was being kidnapped. Now Alfie Bloom and his friends have to find his butler before he gets killed. So far I am writing a descriptive paragraph about Alfie by using evidence from the text to find out what kind of person he is.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Sky tower Trip
Today the senior classes went on a trip to the sky tower to learn about structures. We would like to thank Douglas Bates for giving us this amazing opportunity to be fully able to have a tour around the sky tower and learn about different structures around Auckland. From this experience San Kyaw and I have learnt that the sky tower is made from high performance concrete, thick glass and steel.
Sky Tower Trip,
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Reading - Sleep Presentation
This term we have been working collaboratively within our READ groups to find information that will expand our knowledge about sleep. For this topic we have been answering the questions we needed to answer to create a presentation which will hopefully showcase the amount of learning and skills we have picked up along the way. Since the beginning week of this topic we have chosen a leader who helped us stay on track and made sure that we were worked collaboratively within our group. While we were improving our knowledge about sleep we all partook so as a guideline we used the reciprocal reading technique. In reciprocal reading we have someone who summarises the text, a questioner, a leader, a person who helps clarify confusing material found in a text, and also a predictor. While doing this activity we were asked to book our own guided sessions as we needed help with the question, does technology effect our sleeping patterns and also we were asked to choose a time where Mrs Anderson will help us learn how to infer. To learn how to infer we looked at the rooms children around the world have to sleep in and answered does everyone get a healthy sleep. Our group answered no as some of them are at risk of getting while others are always on the lookout for danger as they sleep in an open space. To summarise our learning we created a presentation which answers all the questions asked by Mrs Anderson. Today we showed all the reading groups what we have done and we all spoke proudly and we were all proud of our efforts. While learning about sleep we learnt that melatonin was the hormone produced in our bodies to regulate our sleeping patterns. I found this interesting because I didn't know that our bodies produce more than one hormone.
Sleeping Disorders,
Why is sleep important?
Reading - Does everyone get the same amount of sleep
Today for reading we are learning about why sleep is important to us and what side effects it has on us.
Mataio and I worked together to create a google draw explaining if everyone gets the same amount of sleep. Some people don't get enough sleep because of sleeping disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. We learnt that in our age group we need a at least 9 hours of sleep minimium.
Sleep Disorders
Reading - Sleep Presentations
This term we have been working collaboratively within our READ groups to find information that will expand our knowledge about sleep. For this topic we have been answering the questions we needed to answer to create a presentation which will hopefully showcase the amount of learning and skills we have picked up along the way. Since the beginning week of this topic we have chosen a leader who helped us stay on track and made sure that we were worked collaboratively within our group. While we were trying to improve our knowledge about sleep we all partook so as a guideline we used the reciprocal reading technique. In reciprocal reading we have someone who summarises the text, a questioner, a leader, a person who helps clarify confusing material found in a text, and also a predictor. While doing this activity we were asked to book our own guided sessions as we needed help with the question, does technology effect our sleeping patterns and also we were asked to choose a time where Mrs Anderson will help us learn how to infer. To learn how to infer we looked at the rooms children around the world have to sleep in and answered does everyone get a healthy sleep. Our group answered no as some of them are at risk of getting while others are always on the lookout for danger as they sleep in an open space. To summarise our learning we created a presentation which answers all the questions asked by Mrs Anderson. Today we showed all the reading groups what we have done and we all spoke proudly and we were all proud of our efforts. While learning about sleep we learnt that melatonin was the hormone produced in our bodies to regulate our sleeping patterns. I found this interesting because I didn't know that our bodies produce more than one hormone.
Why is sleep important
Monday, 20 August 2018
Maths - Scale Drawing
Last week we did scale drawing for maths week. Firstly we had to find a image that we wanted to draw and print it out. We then had to draw a grid over it making sure each box was 1 cm. We then enlarged our image by drawing it onto a big piece of paper. To make sure the image was exactly the same it had to be drawn box by box making it easier for us. This was my second time doing this and the best part of it was colouring in the image and finishing it. The part I found hard was drawing in the little details such as the eyes and ears. Next time I will try challenge myself by finding a picture that has a bit more detail.
Scale Drawing,
Scale Factor
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Poem - Writing
Camping in the grass `
hunting for my prey,
Camouflaged during,
I’m one of the scariest
Predators of them all
It’s not because I’m mean,
It’s because I’m scary and tall.
I enjoy playing in the wild,
I enjoy being active
Im known for being fast
and my patterns being attractive.
For writing we were learning about poems and the features
in it. We found different poems about different animals on a
website and noticed that they had rhyming couplets and good
cadence (rhythm). This is my poem about leopards, It wasn't that
great, but I had a go.
in it. We found different poems about different animals on a
website and noticed that they had rhyming couplets and good
cadence (rhythm). This is my poem about leopards, It wasn't that
great, but I had a go.
Where the children sleep - Reading
For reading we are learning about sleep explaining why its important to have enough sleep and what side effects of not having enough sleep has on us. In this google presentation these are some kids showing where they sleep and the warm or cold environment they sleep in. Some kids slept out side in couches freezing cold and some slept in a warm cosy house with blankets. We learnt that some kids don't have enough sleep because of the environment of the bed they sleep in.
Side effects,
Where children sleep
Venn Diagram - Reading
For reading we were learning about sleep to find out why its important to get enough sleep and what side affects do we get by not having enough. Mataio and I created a Venn diagram to see if our ancestors got more sleep then us. To find this out we used our smart searching skills to find the answer to our question and why. After our research we learnt that our ancestors sleeps for 6 hours on average because they would stay awake for short periods at night to look our for predators guard life stock.
Side effects,
Smart Searching Skills,
Venn Diagram
Define Problem Solving - 25 word summary
Today at Kiwi Can our theme was resilience and our topic was problem solving. At kiwi can we discussed some situations that we use problem solving. One of our examples was if we were in a sports team and the problem was not working together and communicating on the field. To solve the problem one of our ideas was to talk and discuss the play to be more prepared and get through the opponents defence line to score a try. Ofa and I worked collaboratively to create a 25 word summary explaining what problem solving means.
Problem solving is when you work together with someone or in a team to share ideas and find the best solution to a difficult problem.
Kiwi Can,
Problem Solving,
Friday, 3 August 2018
Cook Island Laguage Week
This week was Cook Island Language week so we learned the basics about the culture. Today our group made a digital learning object that involved the mapping of the culture, Vocab, Colours and Facts. We have learnt that there's 1800 people in Cook Island and most them speak Maori. Our group worked really well and each of us participated to create this.
Cook Island Language Week,
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Reading - Where the children sleep
For the past week we researched information about sleep and why it's important we have enough sleep everyday. We went on a website and were shocked at the differences of amount of sleep these children have. Some children slept outside cold on a freezing couch and some slept in a warm cosy house on a soft bed. We learnt that lack of sleep causes children to not get along with others and get angry, depressed, miserable and may lead to depression. There are also other reasons why people don't get enough sleep caused with different diseases such as sleep apnea and Insomnia. Lastly sleep plays a vital role and it helps the body function, having enough sleep helps restore the immune system and gets you ready and awake for the day.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Today for Inquiry we discussed what we want to do in the future. We went on a website and picked the jobs we were most interested in. At the end it calculated which career most suits us the most. What first popped up was a navy sailor. You can get 109,000 per year if your a Warrant officer. We all had fun and enjoyed learning about what careers we wanted to pursue. We learnt that a job is something temporary that you do for money an a career is something you want to pursue for the rest of your life.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
ASB - Get Wise
Today a visitor from Get Wise ASB came to our school to teach us about savings and how it can impact your life. He talked about saving on the weekdays and spending a certain amount on the weekends. We also played a fun game involving the skills he told us and having something called a budget. We learnt that a budget is an certain amount your allowed to spend. Lastly we played a interesting and fun game, The budget was 1,800 you had to spend it wisely and not spend it over the budget. The bigger things you buy the more entertainment points you gained. We won with 35 point, but spent the exact amount of the budget. We had fun and learn a a lot, but we also learnt a value from this session it was to save some, spend some and share some.
Get Wise,
Save Some,
Share Some,
Spend Some
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Matariki - Information Brochure
Today for Matariki we worked collaboratively with LS1 to learn about Matariki and to share our knowledge. We have created an Information Brochure with what we know about Matariki and the 7 stars. We added a picture of the 7 stars and Maori traditional foods such as boil up. We learnt that in the olden days they used the Matariki 7 stars in the sky to guide them through the pacific. We enjoyed learning about Matariki and are looking forward to learn more about the stars.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
M&M's Presentation
Last week Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick left to America for work. We learnt about the history of M&M's and found out many there are in a packet. We made Pie Graphs to see the percentages of the colours in our M&M packet and Bar Graph to see which colour had the most. Orange was the most and Green was the rarest colour. We all enjoyed learning about M&M's and eating them. My group especially liked watching funny advertisements.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Tech - Pewter casting
Today at tech we finishing of our workbook that had the designs and people we were thinking of giving it to. I have made my choice of who to give it to and decided to pick my mum. The design I picked to give to her was a heart. We are now tracing our design onto a piece of wood to cut it out using a special type of machine. After cutting our design out of the wood we put a same size wood one on each side to hold the wood for after they pour the melted medal in. Next week hopefully I will be up to putting the string into the piece of medal to finally finish my design. It is the second week of our tech session and surprised that we are nearly finished. I am looking forward to next week to finish my design and to give it to my mum.
Pewter Casting,
Tamaki College,
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Dialogue - Fake Phone texting
Today we used dialogue to hook in the reader and to practice using our punctuation in conversations. We went on a site to make the messages look like people texting on an Iphone. We thought about the character's names and what they're going to talk about. My characters are Billy and James who enjoys playing my favorite game Fortnite. I have enjoyed learning about dialogue and is eager to put something like this in my narrative.
Fake texting,
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Body Systems - Parts of your body
This activity shows me assembling the bones to the right part of the body. We have been learning about the 13 different body systems and what their jobs are. To test our learning we gave our self a challenge to try place the right bones in the right place. I successfully put it in the right place with only 28 attempts. I found this challenge fun and think this was a good exercise to expand our knowledge about the human body. Next time my goal is to try put it in the right place without making any mistakes.
Body Parts,
Body systems,
Human Body
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Maths Body Measurment
Carl and I created a google slide about our body measurements. We found out that our arm span is the same as our height and our chin to hairline is the same as our foot. We were surprised with the results and the outcome. We found this experiment shocking and interesting.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Kiwi Can - Reflection
Today at Kiwi Can our theme was integrity and our topic was about making the right choices. We also talked about consequences and what it means. We learnt about different situation of making the wrong choices and the consequence you face. Our energiser was called Clap, We had to clap every time he put his finger on his palm. Some of us were confused or tricked and some of us found it easy, We soon got the hang of it and I was able to be the last one standing. After our energiser we discussed why it was good to make the right choices. I have learnt that the choices you make can affect your future. After that we got into another game called Hand soccer. This game was like soccer but we had to use our hands and work together to try and score a goal..
Kiwi Can,
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Maths - Problem Solving using a mix of operations.
Today we solved a maths question using our timetables, subtraction and addition. What was really challenging was we only knew the age of Richard and had to work out the others. San Kyaw and I worked together and had a hard time figuring this maths problem out. We participated our strategies with other groups and learnt from each other to try solve this questions out. We got some help and eventually added up the ages and got our final answers. We all had different strategies and answers from each other and shared our learning from how we got that answer. Even though San Kyaw and I got them wrong this was a good experience to learn from out mistakes and think about what we could do better next time.
Friday, 4 May 2018
The Creation of people
Today we created a story board that based on the creation of people in the Maori culture. We worked in a group of 3's to work collaboratively and to finish our work. We created the story by using pictures and words to hook in the reader with a lot of detailed information.
Maori Creation,
Story Board That
The Unfinished Drink
For the past 3 days we learnt about the unfinished drink. This was a poem about a man named Private ted who served in the war. We read the poem through 3 times and we felt sad, but happy. We were sad the he died in the war and didn't get to finish his drink, but happy that they did not sell it or break it like he said. I worked collaboratively with Joshua and decided to put a picture of the drink and where he died. Did you know every year on Anzac they put poppies around the drink.
Anzac day,
Crete ISland,
Private Ted,
The Unfunshed Drink
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Shaun Tan - Memorials
This week we are reading a sophisticated picture book called Memorial by Shaun Tan. We created a presentation with the definition of peritext, sophisticated and a quote by Shaun Tan. I have enjoyed reading and learning about the different characters and colours in the story. San kyaw and I have created this family tree to introduce the character and to show why war they served in.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Maori Battalion
For the past 2 days we have been learning about the Maori Battalion. We read a text that I found very interesting and brave. In the text the Maori fought alongside the Britain but didn't treat each other the same. Even though they were forced to work together they still got along and encouraged each other by doing a powerful haka on a mountain. We created a summary and asked your partner questions to write feedback and to see if we understood or listening to the story. I found this story fascinating and learned a lot about the Maori Battalion. Did you know that they had pigeons to send messages?.
Maori Battalion,
How to measure angles using a protractor
Today we shared our learning on our blog explaining how to measure angles. In the passage we explained how to use a protractor as what the answer was. Affonso and I worked collaboratively and learned how to measure angles using a protractor. When we started we first found this activity a bit difficult but when we got the hang of it, It got easier.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Blog Commenting
Today we blog commented on most of the people from Karoro School . My blog buddy was Bryce, While reading work from his blog I have learnt that he is 11 years old, has lots of pets and enjoys playing sports with his friends. I have read his sea poem and was hooked with all the powerful adjectives he used, Although there was some mistakes a found misplaced in his poem. He has posted a lot on his blog and am looking forward to see more updates on his blog.
Blog Commenting,
Karoro School
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
The lost Tourist
The lost tourist
I am excited to travel around the world. It was my summer holiday and I had nothing to do. So I planned to travel around the world with my friends and my first destination was to explore the African jungle. As I land in Africa we drove down to the jungles with experienced people. I see magnificent animals with colourful patterns along their bodies, While we’re walking I decide to take pictures of the endangered Red Crane. After admiring the Red Crane I had a good look around and realised I was lost. I panicked and had an adrenaline rush. I was confused and scared because I was worried about the dangerous animals around me. After the stress I remember being given a big map from the experienced workers incase I got lost. I was trying to find where we started and which trail we were on. The map was huge, but I managed to find my way to the group.
Today for writing my group Tamaki did 5-7-10 writing. 5 - 7 10 writing is when you write for 5 minutes, Buddy read for 7 minutes and edit for 10 minutes. I have enjoyed writing today because this was my first time writing and describing a picture.
5 - 7 - 10,
Character Description,
Friday, 23 February 2018
Panmure Bridge Whakatauki
Today Affonso and I found out about our school Whakatauki. Our school Whakatauki is Manaaki Whenua Manaaki Tangata and Haere Whakamua which means Care for the land, Care for the people , Go forward. We learnt about this because we have to remind ourself and show our school values and Whakatauki with pride.
Haere Whakamua,
Manaaki Tangata,
Manaaki Whenua,
Design Brief
Design Brief
What can the design be used for?
To watch videos
What can you do with the design?
- Use it as a video stand
- Use it to charge your device
- Stand holder
What will the design look like?
It will be able to hold my phone on a landscape angle
What am I going to design?
I am going to design a phone holder
What will the design be made from? (materials)
ABS plastic (melts when hot)
What is the process of making the design?
The 3D printer will melt the ABS plastic to make a phone holder
Where am I going to put the design?
On a table instead of holding it
Where can the design be used?
It can be used on a bed with supports to make it steady
Where are we going to make the design?
3D printing Class
Why do we need this design?
If your watching a movie on your phone you can put it on a holder
Why are we making the design?
It will be useful for holding phones and watching
videos instead of holding your phone with your arm to long
Who will use the design?
I will use the holder because I always watch videos on a phone
Who can I give this design to?
My family who needs it to watch videos
Who will like this design so much that they want one?
Who will design the product?
Who will make the design?
When will we take the design home?
In about 10 weeks
When will we finish the design?
In about 8 weeks
When will the design be used?
When I watch videos
When will the design break?
When you drop it on concrete
How durable are the materials?
Brittle, Easy to snap
How long will the design last?
Forever, But if you drop it on concrete it will break
How will we make the design?
By using the 3D printer
3D printing,
Design Brief,
Kiwi Can - Reflection
Yesterday we had our kiwi can session. At Kiwi Can our topic was about Positive Relationships, integrity and encouraging. We played a game called ball tag where 3 people represents your team and try eliminate the other team. In this game the taggers couldn't move while carrying the ball which made it difficult for all of us, But very exciting. Jona, Affonso and I eliminated Ofa's time in under 36 seconds which was the record for our class. During our activity's we encouraged each other and used a lot of teamwork to win.
Softball Reflection
Today we had our first session at Kiwi Sport. Today at kiwi sport we were learning how to play softball. Our first instruction was to find a partner and stand across each other with a ball. We learnt several types of throws, But was the fly ball. At kiwi sport I learnt how to catch a ground ball carefully by using the monkeydile method. The monkeydile method is when you kneel down in a monkey form and make a crocodile mouth using your hands. I am looking forward to next week to play a softball game against each other because I love being competitive and active.
Kiwi sport,
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Comparison Winter Olympics
Today for Inquiry my group has created a Venn diagram comparing the 1924 Winter Olympics and the Modern Olympics. We have noticed a huge difference with the number of sports and the advanced technology. I have learnt that in the 1924 Winter Olympics didn't have any safety gear and only 16 countries competed.
1924 Winter Olympics,
Modern Olympics,
Venn Diagram
Friday, 9 February 2018
Blog Analysis
This is my blog post record from 2014 - 2018. I think I have improved a lot since I started back in 2014. I made a bar graph for how many blog posts I have published each year. In 2016 I posted 136 blog posts which is the most I have did in a year. My goal is to reach 500 blog posts by the end of this year, thank you for viewing my blog and make sure to leave good feedback.
Bar Graph,
Blog Analysis,
Blog Record,
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Remembering our summer
L.I. - Writing to recount
Writing using language features to engage readers
I heard the waves crawling to shore
I felt the warm sea on my palm
I wondered how the sea will look like in the future
I saw the sun glimmering onto the sea
I felt the cool sand between my fingers
I heard the loud seagulls hunting for prey
I wondered why the sea is salty
Photo By Piotr Zurek / CC BY 2.0
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