
Wednesday 23 August 2017

You've got 2 minutes

I see the rapid fire of handballs being missiled across the courts as if they were starting world war 4. Skillfully I dodge every ball zooming past my face like a ninja. I smell the strong cologne wafting through the senior playground almost like we’re all at the Oscars trying to impress each other. Sadly this is mixed with the odour  of sweat that seems to sting me every time I walk past the courts. I hear all the complaints and excuses as the handballs continue to bounce. The girls screeching annoyingly,  “Stop pushing in!” always hurts my ears as I walk by. I feel the squishy round handball fall into my palm as I skim it as quick as possible. My mission to aim at others and protect my territory. I’m King at last but as soon as I think I'm winning, I get skimmed out without noticing. I taste defeat at first but the stronger taste is that of victory, as I know I left the court as King.
Today we used the 5 senses to create a story of what happens during lunchtimes. In my story I talked about handball and the loud noises that goes on during that time. We all had 2 minutes write a sentence for each of the 5 senses, I found this hard because I couldn't think of any powerful words to put in my story, but at the end I still had fun and fixed up my mistakes.

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